Become a Member
What membership in Klickitat Democrats helps make possible:
Support candidates for local, state, and federal office races, including fundraising, phone banking, signage, etc.
Organize candidate debates for both local and statewide offices. Past debates have showcased candidates for PUD Commissioner, County Sheriff, and US Congress.
Organize and host Precinct Caucuses and County Conventions.
Coordinate efforts to communicate with the public about candidates and issues representing the Democratic Party. Efforts include: hosting our website, managing an email network, Letters to the Editor, press releases, advertisements, and posters.
Create and update county platforms, including issue related resolutions.
Conduct monthly general membership meetings.
Host regular public non-partisan forums on topics of local importance. Past topics have included health care, energy, housing, and oil trains, among others.
Participate in local events and festivals to open lines of communication with county voters. Some events include The Klickitat County Fair, Springfest, Huckleberry Festival, and 4th of July.
Coordinate and manage our local Party’s affairs: including creating budgets, balancing books, managing membership data, recording minutes, and planning agendas,
Membership dues are $25.00 per calendar year. Dues and donations support your local Klickitat County Democratic Committee. Our master emailing list always remains private.
There are three ways to become a dues paying member:
Join as a dues paying member on our secure website with your $25 contribution.
Click here to download a printable Membership/Contribution form, then write your check to Klickitat Democrats and mail to:
Klickitat County Democrats
P.O. Box 1923
White Salmon, WA 98672
Or attend a meeting
Need Help? Email us at demsklick@gmail.com.
Your political contribution is NOT tax-deductible as
a charitable contribution for Federal income tax purposes.